This site is primarily dedicated to my current work making ceramic tiki mugs and art with a mid-century modern twist. I do think of these items first and foremost as sculpture, they just happen to have an opening at the top. Some of my favorite compliments come from people who purchase my work and display it as artwork in their homes. I will attempt to elaborate on some things that people often ask me about.
How long have you been making mugs?: I started making mugs in the fall of 2019. At the time I was resistant to the idea. It does take some space; it is messy and time consuming. I was considering having a manufacturer make my work for me. My friend Carol Gravem (ceramics by Carol) insisted that I attempt it. I did have 20+ years' experience sculpting and mold making, and she offered to guide me into the world of ceramics. Now I can't imagine not working with ceramics.
Do you collect tiki mugs?: YES! I purchased my first tiki mugs back in the 90s. I got hooked and before too long my wife and I were combing thrift shops and antique stores on a regular basis. The collection grew quickly. We also started picking up tiki farm mugs, and going to bars that had mugs for sale. These days most of the items I acquire are during a visit to a bar or trading with other artists. Of course there are those special people in my life who gift me these great creations as well! Currently I have 250-300 mugs in my collection, and its still growing .
Do you have employees ?: No I do not. I make every single item one at a time by myself at home. The only exception being some commissioned sculpture work I have done for companies. In those cases a manufacturer is necessary to mass produce an item.
How long does it take to make a mug?: The answer varies. It all depends on the complexity. The more complex, the more time it takes. "Complexity" includes sculpting, mold making, slip casting, cleaning up seams, sanding, bisque firing, applying glaze and glaze firing.
Why mid-century modern?: First and foremost, because I love the aesthetic. My personal favorite time frame for design (homes, cars, fashion, art, even appliances) lands at the end of the 1950s and early 1960s. Also, this style helps me to separate myself in the crowded world of mug makers. Some of the designs are deceptively "simple"... however the smooth surfaces leave nowhere to hide. I do like a challenge, and sometimes this style can be unforgiving. Unfortunately many mugs don't make the cut because of flaws.
Will you ever do a "traditional" style?: Yes. I do have many interests. There are some projects in the works that have a more "traditional" or "classic" look and feel to them.
Do you work with a manufacturing partner?: Although I prefer to do things by myself there are limitations, especially when it comes to volume. Currently I do not have the means to mass produce items. When working with other companies that need large quantities a manufacturer is necessary. In these projects I will make the sculpt only and they will not be advertised as "hand made by me". There are a couple of projects that are being worked on right now that I am very excited about.
How long have you been making mugs?: I started making mugs in the fall of 2019. At the time I was resistant to the idea. It does take some space; it is messy and time consuming. I was considering having a manufacturer make my work for me. My friend Carol Gravem (ceramics by Carol) insisted that I attempt it. I did have 20+ years' experience sculpting and mold making, and she offered to guide me into the world of ceramics. Now I can't imagine not working with ceramics.
Do you collect tiki mugs?: YES! I purchased my first tiki mugs back in the 90s. I got hooked and before too long my wife and I were combing thrift shops and antique stores on a regular basis. The collection grew quickly. We also started picking up tiki farm mugs, and going to bars that had mugs for sale. These days most of the items I acquire are during a visit to a bar or trading with other artists. Of course there are those special people in my life who gift me these great creations as well! Currently I have 250-300 mugs in my collection, and its still growing .
Do you have employees ?: No I do not. I make every single item one at a time by myself at home. The only exception being some commissioned sculpture work I have done for companies. In those cases a manufacturer is necessary to mass produce an item.
How long does it take to make a mug?: The answer varies. It all depends on the complexity. The more complex, the more time it takes. "Complexity" includes sculpting, mold making, slip casting, cleaning up seams, sanding, bisque firing, applying glaze and glaze firing.
Why mid-century modern?: First and foremost, because I love the aesthetic. My personal favorite time frame for design (homes, cars, fashion, art, even appliances) lands at the end of the 1950s and early 1960s. Also, this style helps me to separate myself in the crowded world of mug makers. Some of the designs are deceptively "simple"... however the smooth surfaces leave nowhere to hide. I do like a challenge, and sometimes this style can be unforgiving. Unfortunately many mugs don't make the cut because of flaws.
Will you ever do a "traditional" style?: Yes. I do have many interests. There are some projects in the works that have a more "traditional" or "classic" look and feel to them.
Do you work with a manufacturing partner?: Although I prefer to do things by myself there are limitations, especially when it comes to volume. Currently I do not have the means to mass produce items. When working with other companies that need large quantities a manufacturer is necessary. In these projects I will make the sculpt only and they will not be advertised as "hand made by me". There are a couple of projects that are being worked on right now that I am very excited about.